Meet Teena
Teena Bonizzi is founder of Itawi, a small business offering original sewing, knitting, and crocheting patterns, cutting services, and a ready-made collection of beautiful goods inspired by nature and places traveled. During the week she works as a statistician and the influence of geometric patterns, clean lines and fine details can be seen throughout in her work.
On time schedules
I have always found it hard to manage my time – usually I leave everything to the last minute! Lately I have tried to focus on finding 30 minutes a day to work on my craft projects and this has been really good for my productivity. 30 minutes may not seem like much time but it has helped me break down my projects into smaller tasks and over the week I notice I can actually make a lot of progress on a project.
On sharing her craft
Craft and creating things makes me come alive and it’s my therapy. Part of that comes from the sharing and the social connections that craft enables. Another part comes from the relaxation, relief from stress, a sense of accomplishment, connection to tradition, as well as cognitive exercises (concentration and ability to think through problems) that crafting brings. Through teaching and sharing techniques and ideas I hope I can inspire others to also find the magic in making and at the same time create a bigger population of people helping to counter-balance modern societies unhealthy reliance on fast fashion and throw-away objects.